
Protonex pH荧光染料:解锁细胞世界的酸碱秘密!

English title: Protonex pH Fluorescent Dyes: Unlocking the Secrets of Cellular Acidity and Alkalinity!


Protonex 染料是一类专门设计用于检测细胞内酸性环境pH值变化的荧光指示剂。这些染料因其独特的酸敏感特性而被称为酸敏感(Acidotropic)pH指示剂。它们通常具有较高的选择性和灵敏度,能够准确反映活细胞中如溶酶体、内体等酸性细胞器的pH变化。



1.酸敏感性:Protonex 染料因其独特的酸敏感(Acidotropic)特性而得名,这意味着它们对细胞内的酸性环境具有高度敏感性和选择性。

2.细胞内酸性环境检测:Protonex 染料广泛应用于检测活细胞内如溶酶体、内体等酸性细胞器的pH值变化。

3.高选择性:Protonex 染料能够准确区分细胞内不同区域的pH值,特别是在酸性环境中表现出色。


5.低背景干扰:在细胞外或中性环境中,Protonex 染料的荧光信号较弱,从而减少了背景干扰,提高了测量准确性。




图1.是Protonex绿色和红色染料在pH 4.5-9.0的荧光强度图。图中显示,当pH为4.5的时候,荧光非常强,随着pH的升高,荧光强度逐渐降低。

Response of HeLa cells labeled with Protonex™ Red 670 AM. HeLa cells were incubated with 5 µM of Protonex™ Red 670 AM for 30 minutes at 37°C. Incubation of Protonex™ Red 670 AM solution with HeLa cells showed a homogenous uptake of Protonex™ Red 670 AM and stained cell cytosol. The Spexyte™ Intracellular pH Calibration Buffer Kit (Cat No. 21235) was used to clamp the intracellular pH with extracellular buffers at pH 4 to 10. (A) Images were acquired using a fluorescence microscope with a Cy5 filter set, and (B) fluorescence was measured using a ClarioStar fluorescence microplate reader (Ex/Em = 640/680 nm, cutoff = 665 nm).



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