
7 染料 qPCR 校准板 *针对 ABI7500 快速 96 孔进行了优化*

英文名称:7 Dye qPCR Calibration Plate *Optimized for ABI7500 Fast 96-Well*
7 染料 qPCR 校准板 *针对 ABI7500 快速 96 孔进行了优化*
价格 12562
1 Set

Ex (nm)-Em (nm)-
存储条件在零下15度以下保存, 避免光照

7 染料 qPCR 校准板可用于维护配备快速 96 孔板的 7500 实时 PCR 系统。 对于大多数 qPCR 仪器,必要的校准应至少每六个月进行一次。 该校准板可以立即使用,无需任何额外的准备步骤。 qPCR 校准板可以通过更准确地表示实时实验中使用的荧光光谱来多路复用的 qPCR 结果。



Evaluation of the Thermo Scientific SureTect Salmonella Species PCR Assay in a Broad Range of Foods and Select Environmental Surfaces: Pre-Collaborative and Collaborative Study: First Action 2021.02.
Authors: Bastin, Benjamin and Thompson, Wesley and Benzinger, M Joseph and Crowley, Erin S and Leonte, Ana-Maria and Vandoros, Evangelos J and Thomas, Daniel and Hughes, Annette and Crabtree, David and Evans, Katharine and Sohier, Daniele
Journal: Journal of AOAC International (2022): 167-190
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Journal: Journal of virological methods (2022): 114354
Evaluation of the Thermo ScientificTM SureTectTMListeria monocytogenes PCR Assay in a Broad Range of Foods and Selected Environmental Surfaces: Pre-Collaborative and Collaborative Study, First Action 2021.05.
Authors: Bastin, Benjamin and Thompson, Wesley and Benzinger, M Joseph and Crowley, Erin S and Vandoros, Evangelos J and Leonte, Ana-Maria and Thomas, Daniel and Hughes, Annette and Crabtree, David and Evans, Katharine and Sohier, Daniele
Journal: Journal of AOAC International (2022)
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Authors: Dalimi, Abdolhossein and Mosawi, Sayed Hussain
Journal: Infectious disorders drug targets (2021): 399-404
Clinical evaluation of a multiplex real-time RT-PCR assay for detection of SARS-CoV-2 in individual and pooled upper respiratory tract samples.
Authors: Laverack, Melissa and Tallmadge, Rebecca L and Venugopalan, Roopa and Cronk, Brittany and Zhang, XiuLin and Rauh, Rolf and Saunders, Amy and Nelson, William M and Plocharczyk, Elizabeth and Diel, Diego G
Journal: Archives of virology (2021): 2551-2561
TaqMan real time PCR for the Detection of the Gilbert's Syndrome Markers UGT1A1*28; UGT1A1*36 and UGT1A1*37.
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Journal: Molecular biology reports (2021): 4953-4959
Rapid and Safe Detection of SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza Virus RNA Using Onsite Quantitative PCR Diagnostic Testing From Clinical Specimens Collected in Molecular Transport Medium.
Authors: Daum, Luke T and Fischer, Gerald W
Journal: The journal of applied laboratory medicine (2021): 1409-1416
Evaluation of PCR cycle threshold values by patient population with the quidel lyra SARS-CoV-2 assay.
Authors: Potter, Robert F and Abro, Brooj and Eby, Charles S and Burnham, Carey-Ann D and Anderson, Neil W and Parikh, Bijal A
Journal: Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease (2021): 115387
Validation of the Thermo Scientific™ SureTect™ Staphylococcus aureus PCR Assay for the Detection of Staphylococcus aureus in Dairy Matrices: AOAC Performance Tested MethodsSM 052101.
Authors: Evans, Katharine and Faulds, Nikki and Crabtree, David and Hughes, Annette and Sohier, Daniele and Manthe, Craig and Hahs, Matthew and Heikkinen, Pauliina and Hurskainen, Emmi and Koch, Kateland and Thompson, Wesley and Bastin, Benjamin and Benzinger, M Joseph
Journal: Journal of AOAC International (2021)
Comparison of Two Commercial Molecular Tests and a Laboratory-Developed Modification of the CDC 2019-nCoV Reverse Transcriptase PCR Assay for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2.
Authors: Moore, Nicholas M and Li, Haiying and Schejbal, Debra and Lindsley, Jennifer and Hayden, Mary K
Journal: Journal of clinical microbiology (2020)